Friday, December 5, 2008

Well? Is this a Career Blog or Not?

Allow me to apologize. I did not create this blog on Careers with the intention of not tending to it.
It turns out my own career has sidetracked me. In addition to my counseling practice, I have just published my first novel and have begun to pull together all the vocational exploration and job search advice I intended to share here into a second book called Good Work If You Can Get It. That book will hopefully be available sometime next Spring.
Meanwhile, please feel free to leave any career-related question/s you may have here. I have promised myself to check in more often, and if I can be of help to you in choosing and finding good work, I am happy to offer my two cents for no cents.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A the Day's Occupation

Should you be a visitor to this site only to find it has not been updated in far too long, thank you for your patience.
Soon we will be resuming the quiet march toward Good Work.
Most Sincerely,
The Management....